news Have You Had Your ...

Have You Had Your Dose of Rancid Fish Oil

Author: Jimmy Dishanni
Updated: December 13, 2024 Published: February 15, 2023

There's a saying in the fitness community:

"If Squats and Fish Oil can’t fix it… nothing will."

This saying speaks a lot about thes effectiveness of both squats and fish oil. Squats are considered by many to be the king of all lifts. However, without proper form, the squat can prove injurious and even permanently damage the lifter. The same goes for fish oil.

A woman acting out the gesture of 'avoid'.

1. China, India, Sri Lanka etc...

"If Squats and Fish Oil can’t fix it… nothing will."

This saying speaks a lot about the effectiveness of both squats and fish oil. Squats are considered by many to be the king of all lifts. However, without proper form, the squat can prove injurious and even permanently damage the lifter. The same goes for fish oil.
Fish Oil is only as good as where you harvest the fish from and how you process the fish oil.

Unfortunately, as with many things that are mass produced these days - with more emphasis on profit over qualitymost fish oils are taken from polluted seas and the processing is less than desirable. Because it's cheap.

Therefore, it is essential for you to know from where your fish oil is being sourced. Here are 3 sources of fish oil you should avoid the next time you go to buy:

Poster warning not to trust China, where you can't rely on the certificate of analysis.

The amount of pollution in the oceans off of the coast of China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and other countries in this region, makes them winners on the list of top ocean polluters in the world, with China taking the #1 spot.

There are no pollution standards and buying products from these areas only enables them to ruin our environment.

It is bad for your health and only causes more pollution both in the ocean and your own body. This is because the fish oil is rancid.

If your fish oil comes from Costco or Walmart, it’s probably rancid and doesn’t work because it lost its potency. It is spoiled.

It most likely came from China where you can’t trust the Certificate of Analysis.

2. Fish from the Fukushima Region.

This is the poster sign warning that fish oil sourced from the Fukushima region may contain radiation due to the nuclear disaster.

If your fish oil is harvested from fish in the region of Fukushima Daiichi, Japan, where the unfortunate nuclear disaster took place a decade ago, the fish will most likely have radiation.

That's clearly NOT GOOD as that radiation can pass into your body if you eat it.

As of April of this year, Japan has approved releasing the million tons of waste water used to cool the melted reactors into the ocean, even though the regional fishing industry not only of Japan, but also Korea and China as well, is strongly opposed to this.

This release is scheduled to begin in 2023 and will take years to complete.

The deleterious effects of this action can be easily understood.

3. Fish Farms

This is the poster sign warning that fish are fed antibiotics on farms due to unnatural living conditions, leading to infections, sicknesses, and decreased nutritional value.

If your fish oil is sourced from fish farms, then chances are your fish oil is rancid as well.

Whether the fish farm is in China, the UK, or even here in the United States, the problems are the same.

The farms feed the fish antibiotics because the fish are living in unnatural conditions and develop many infections and sicknesses.

This also leads to decreased nutritional value for the fish overall.

Many farms also feed their fish soy pellets because soy is cheap, though unnatural for the fish to eat.

Both soy and antibiotics are definitely bad for you and will transfer to anyone consuming products derived from these fish. 

Consider that there is a reason you need a prescription for antibiotics.

Wild Caught Fish Oil

In conclusion, it is extremely important to do your research and find out where your fish oil being sourced. This goes for all supplements in general.

Just like many of the vitamin sources used in popular multivitamin supplements have been linked to increased cancer rates, rancid fish oil has been linked to increased inflammation and bad cholesterol levels among other issues.

These are problems fresh fish oil prevents.

A woman holding Omega-3 fish oil.

This is why we go to great lengths to source our
Wild Caught Fish Oil from the cleanest oceans in the world.

The oceans surrounding Iceland. These fish lived their lives naturally and without human interference.

Sport Formula’s Wild Caught Fish Oil is imported directly to the USA and processed here by American workers.

It is then checked by third parties of 2 different USA government agencies for potency and purity, assuring you the very best, quality checked, Omega-3 Fatty acids available. Period.

This means the Omega 3 is raw (potent), pure, and works the way it should.


The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, nutritional, or professional advice. While we aim to share helpful insights and opinions for your reading enjoyment, individual health needs may vary. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider, physician, or registered dietitian before making changes to your diet, supplement routine, or health regimen. Sport Formula does not diagnose, treat, or provide medical recommendations. Use this information responsibly and in accordance with your personal needs.


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