we invented the very first vitamin powder in 1999 and
this started an entire industry of imitations.

We started the powder vitamin industry. Everyone else is just making a copy. Our effectiveness has never been duplicated. We are still the only ones using Cold Processed, Raw Nutrients from the USA, US Pharmaceutical Grade - not imported like the cheaper copy cats out there.

The success of our brand is found in the quality of the nutrients sourced here in the USA, not from the big profit margins made by marking up the cheap cost of imported ingredients you can't trust ...think about that.
When everyone else was making solid tablets that never dissolve, we were blending raw powder that melts in your mouth and absorbs directly into your bloodstream through the glands under your tongue.

We are the makers of the original powder vitamin that started the powder vitamin industry back in the late 1990s

Our trusted powder blends have since gone on to fuel Olympic Athletes to win Gold Medals and Countless Professional Athletes to Greatness with World Championship titles in every sport. With a Family Safe Promise, our raw nutrients are beneficial for all ages.

We have a complete line of essential nutrients to help you sleep better, wake up more rested & recovered, stay energized throughout the whole day by digesting and processing more of the food you eat - instead of wasting it.


Sport Formula 99 is the original powder multivitamin first blended in 1999.

Discovered in a pharmaceutical laboratory by a Bio Chemist and Nutritional Scientist / Fitness Enthusiast (Jimmy DiShanni) that decided to see what his popular multivitamin tablet was made of.

After dissecting the popular "brand name" tablet and examining it under a microscope, Jimmy noticed something wrong with the tablet, it was dead. Which means that the tablet ingredient's could never attach to the receptor site of your cells. They couldn't absorb, they were useless and had no live enzyme function like dirt. This was a big problem and a total waste of money.

He immediately started blending his own nutrient profile using the laboratories' US Pharmaceutical Grade, cold-processed, raw nutrients with live enzyme function from the lab's stock room.

And just like that... Sport Formula was born.

Sport Formula 99 = Energy + Strength + Recovery

Being an athlete and a scientist means Jimmy was just getting started with putting the new formula to the test in the real world. Tracking his results and adjusting the formula until it was optimized for maximum health.

Testing and optimizing still takes place and the current versions are the absolute best yet.
