news Top 3 Fat Burning ...

Top 3 Fat Burning Food

As you read every word of this blog post, you will begin to understand one of the little known secrets of how to use high fiber vegetables to burn your fat off for good by eating smarter not working harder.

Author: Jimmy Dishanni
Updated: December 13, 2024 Published: February 10, 2023

The 3 principles you need to understand to have amazing success are:

  1. To use your fat reserves for energy, you need to burn or consume more calories than you intake.
  2. If you don’t eat enough or frequently, your body will retain fat. Starvation isn’t effective; raw vitamins are necessary.
  3. You need to continue eating, but choose foods that are low in calories, high in fiber, and difficult to digest. Combining this with raw vitamins helps keep your metabolism active, enabling you to use up your fat reserves.
A woman with both arms raised, living in the moment.

Let’s Put Your Calorie Intake Into Perspective:

Instead of eating a high calorie meal, eat high fiber vegetables to keep your appetite under control and keep your metabolism going.

Fiber text with healthy food in the background.
  1. It takes 1 hour of strenuous cardio to burn just 500 calories off.
  2. A cheese burger, fries and a soda take 5 hours of cardio to burn off.

The idea here is that your body can only use a certain amount of calories at one time and then you will store the rest as fat. That is why the above cheese burger fries and soda makes you fat. It’s not more calories than you can use in one day, it’s just more than you can use in one meal or several hours. Your body is able to digest and convert the calories to be used as energy faster than your body can actually use them as energy, so the extra is stored as fat.

Another big problem with the cheese burger fries and soda is that all the ingredients have been heat processed to kill bacteria and extend the shelf life, which kills the raw vitamins. Raw, unheated vitamins convert carbs and stored body fats into energy. So if your food has no fresh raw vitamins, you’ll be storing fat instead of making energy.

They Are Finally Revealed! The Top 3 Fat Burning Foods are:

All non-sweet vegetables work similarly but these listed above are the top 3 at low calorie and high fiber content. Eat as much as you want, but don’t defeat the purpose with dressings that are high in calories and full of high fructose corn syrup and MSG. Use seasonings, or oil and vinegar...

Image of celery with fresh leaves.

WARNING: These low calorie foods, not only create a calorie deficit but can leave you vitamin deficient as well. And one of the biggest problems in food these days is the lack of fresh, raw, live vitamins to burn fat with. That is what raw vitamins do, among other things, is convert stored fats into energy. That’s right; you can speed up the fat burning process by consuming Sport Formula’s Fresh, Raw, Cold Processed RAW Vitamins, Minerals, And Amino Acids Daily. The real Secret is fresh RAW powder vitamins that are essential for converting calories into energy instead of storing them as fat.

“Eat your vegetables raw, cook them and you lose something”

Chopped cucumber pieces.

What you’re losing are the RAW vitamins! You need RAW vitamins to convert calories into energy. Without them, calories are stored as fat, and you may feel tired despite consuming empty calories. You’ll feel better about yourself each time you take it...

You get faster results with less effort, it’s a BOOST!

✓ Always fresh and always convenient, the packets are effortless to take.

✓ They melt in your mouth like candy while you’re driving to the gym or work or sitting at your desk.

✓ They fit in your pocket or glove box or desk or your kid’s lunch.

✓ Kids love it to

That’s why heat processed food like milk makes you fat... The vitamins have been cooked out. Pasteurized Means: Has Empty Calories That Store As Fat!

Whole cabbage with green leaves.

That is why we suggest using Sport Formula Fresh, Raw, and Cold Processed, Powder Vitamins that dissolve 100% without upsetting your stomach, Burning Your Fat and Building Your Muscles naturally...

“If vitamins are heated, they do nothing for you at all”

Sport Formula is cold processed to burn fat and it builds your muscles.

Stop working harder to burn the calories off at the gym and start converting the calories you eat into energy when you eat them instead, it’s smarter!


The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical, nutritional, or professional advice. While we aim to share helpful insights and opinions for your reading enjoyment, individual health needs may vary. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider, physician, or registered dietitian before making changes to your diet, supplement routine, or health regimen. Sport Formula does not diagnose, treat, or provide medical recommendations. Use this information responsibly and in accordance with your personal needs.


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